Oracle Corporation acquired Sun Microsystems in 2010. The file formats used by Microsoft Office are also supported by LibreOffice.

LibreOffice uses the Open Document Format (ODF). LibreOffice consists of a word processor, spreadsheet, and presentation software. When Oracle had made its mind to not continue the development of OpenOffice, the Document Foundation forked it and created LibreOffice. As you get accustomed to using LibreOffice, you might find it to be as feature-rich as Microsoft Office. LibreOffice is open-source and free to use. It comes pre-installed on many Linux distributions. LibreOffice is very popularly known and believed to be the best alternative to Microsoft Office or Linux. SOLID Principle in Programming: Understand With Real Life Examples.How to Prepare for Amazon Software Development Engineering Interview?.Top 10 Programming Languages to Learn in 2022.How to overcome Time Limit Exceed(TLE)?.Top 5 IDEs for C++ That You Should Try Once.What is Competitive Programming and How to Prepare for It?.What is web socket and how it is different from the HTTP?.Top 10 Programming Languages That Will Rule in 2021.